At Hamill Homecare, we’re proud to offer a range of complex care services.
But what is complex care? And who is most likely to require it?
Read on to find out more as we discuss the real meaning of complex care, when it is required and the conditions most likely to need this type of care.
Complex care explained
Complex care is tailored to an individual’s health and social needs, and is generally used to support those with chronic or long-term health conditions. Depending on the condition at hand, it is usually provided by a combination of carers, social workers, case managers, nurses, doctors and therapists.
According to Sense UK, one in ten people in the UK have complex needs, which equates to approximately 1.6 million people, with the number expected to increase to two million by 2029.
Who needs complex care?
Chronic and long-term health conditions can affect anyone at any age, so complex care can be necessary for anyone who needs it, including those who are bedridden or generally immobile, people with congenital disabilities or genetic disorders, or who have suffered life-altering conditions or injuries.
It differs from general domiciliary care in that it typically involves medical care and may also be administered if nursing care is required.
What’s included in complex care?
The term ‘complex care’ can be considered a broad term. However, to help make sense of what it is, here are some common examples:
• Management of persistent pain and nausea and any medication that may be required as a result.
• Assistance with bathing, waste, feeding, or general mobility.
• End-of-life care for those with terminal illnesses or conditions.
• Emotional and psychological support for patients, counselling relief for daily caregivers and support accessing health services.
• Assisting with all aspects of ventilatory care, including tracheostomy care and NIV (non-invasive ventilation).
• Assisting with PEG, NG, RIG tubes – nutrition and administration of medication.
• Stoma and catheter care.
• Blood sugar management.
• Wound care.
Due to the broad nature of this kind of care, the list above only skims the surface of the support available for those receiving it.
So, what are some examples of conditions that may require complex care, and what types of interactions with the care sector can these conditions entail?
Conditions that require complex care & why
While many conditions may require complex care, we can look at some of the most common here:
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a lifelong condition with mild to extremely debilitating symptoms that can include fatigue, numbness, muscular weakness, reduced sight and incontinence. It is most frequently diagnosed in adults in their 20s and 30s but can be diagnosed at any age.
With an extensive range of symptomatic severity, MS requires a multifaceted care approach that includes assistive technology covering symptom management, physical rehabilitation, psychological support, technological support, home care and, in some cases, palliative care.
Motor Neuron Disease (MND)
A neurological disorder affecting voluntary muscle movements. MND is a rare condition that affects approximately 5000 people in the UK.
Initial MND symptoms include stiffness and twitching in various body parts, including hands and feet. However, as a progressive condition, complex care must be introduced as symptoms begin to affect walking, talking, swallowing, and breathing.
Therefore, as with MS, MND requires a suite of care solutions to manage the above physical symptoms, including physical therapy, homecare, psychological relief, technological support and ultimately, palliative care.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
A genetic disorder that causes muscle degeneration, DMD typically begins in infants as young as 2 and 3, with children affected struggling with physical activities such as walking, running and jumping.
Despite being a life-shortening condition due to the stresses placed upon the heart, sufferers of DMD can still receive education, pursue careers and even have partners and children, with the condition’s modern life expectancy now in the early 30s.
However, for these positive milestones to be achieved, complex care in the form of medical support, physical therapy, psychological relief and, eventually, palliative care will play a significant role.
Spinal Injuries
While not all spinal injuries require complex care, those who have suffered spinal cord damage as a result of a life-changing incident may need this kind of care, to differing extents, as a result of paralysis of the legs, arms or from the neck down.
Requiring many similar aspects of complex care as the other examples listed here, those who have suffered a spinal injury may require medical support (including respiratory care and management of complications), physical rehabilitation and psychological support to maximise quality of life.
Choosing your complex care provider
When choosing your care approach and provider, complex healthcare may be available to you or a loved one via the NHS, pending a review of their needs.
These needs include the following:
• Breathing
• Nutrition (food and drink)
• Incontinence
• Skin (including wounds and ulcers)
• Mobility
• Communication
• Psychological and emotional needs
• Cognition (understanding)
• Behaviour
• Drug therapies and medicine
• Altered states of consciousness
At Hamill Homecare, complex care is managed by our team of specialist nurses and carers, who are here to help you or your loved one living with conditions like the ones we’ve discussed in this blog.
With the support of our team, we can help our clients live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
To learn more about our services, enquire now.